
Monday, November 18, 2013

Question for Bloggers

I have a sad confession...once I started blogging, my family photo albums and printing of pictures ceased :(  Sad, I know.  I still kept up with my kiddos photo albums, but now I want to print out our memories for me to have and I think the easiest way would be to print my family-type posts from my blog.  Have any of you done this before?  Which company did you use?  Any ideas and advice would be great!


  1. Sorry I cannot help you. I have heard of two people who did this and they loved the results but I don't know where they had it done. One person I've lost touch with. the other lives in England so they likely used a company in England. Hopefully some of your US readers will know of the perfect place :-)

  2. I don't even have a blog of my own, but another blog I read has some information that may be helpful for you. Mama Bear at Raising Cubs in a Campground makes blog books- she can turn your blog, or parts of your blog, into an actual book.

  3. Ooo! I'm interested in this too! I think I've heard of people doing it.

  4. Blurb books are GREAT! You can create so many things. Here is a link that might help you. Blessings & know we're praying!
