
Tuesday, December 3, 2013

Craft Time with Grandma

My Mom taught Silas and Callie how to make some cute little pumpkins for our Thanksgiving table.
They loved making them!  And Mom is so sweet and patient with them.

Callie made one pumpkin a few times.  She had fun ripping the fabric out and starting over.  Maybe she'll be a good quilter one day! :o)

Love the looks on their faces.  So silly!  Lots of giggles during this project!


  1. So sweet. These are the things that make beautiful memories.

  2. They did a Great job!! Loved their centerpieces. :-)

  3. Those pumpkins are soooo cute. My in-laws own a quilt shop I wonder if they do that? I know they wrap their rolls in fabric. Too cute!
