
Saturday, January 4, 2014

Christmas Dinner

We had a great Christmas dinner!  It was so nice to be able to see our family for the holiday.  After my parent's house, we headed over to Patrick's Mom's house for Christmas dinner.
 Denise received a new computer from her sister for Christmas, so it was fun setting it up for her and looking at all the fancy functions.

 Silas received Candy Land from Brenna.  He was excited to bring it to Grammy's and beat her in a game.
 I love how my younger 3 gather around the person opening the gift.  They were so excited!
 We bought Marc a jacket for Christmas.  I know we live in Florida, but as I type this it is cold!

 Callie can definitely be a girly girl and loves her babies!

 We were really impressed at Marc's shopping this year.  He bought each of our kids a towel in their favorite color.  Great idea!  They loved it!
 Christmas evening was going along well, and then I had one of those, "Oh my goodness!"  moments.  I looked over at my Beth and realized, "Wow, she's growing up."  I'm so proud of the beautiful young lady she is becoming.  I sure do love her!

 For Christmas dinner we brought all the fixings.  Denise got out of the hospital a few days before, but we still wanted to be with her for Christmas.  So, we brought Honey Baked Ham (love that stuff!) Potato Casserole, Pea Salad and Corn Salad.  It was a great meal!
Then, we ended our evening with our tradition of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and having birthday cake.  It's still so unbelievable to me that God would come down from heaven to save me.  The meaning of Christmas is so personal.  Just think.  The God of Heaven loves you!  And gave His life to save you!  What a wonderful life we have to live!

1 comment:

  1. What a lovely Christmas with your husband's family. Everyone looks like they had a great time and you are making beautiful memories. I love your tradition of singing Happy Birthday to Jesus and having a birthday cake. It is a wonderful idea and a good way to keep the meaning of Christmas in the whole "hub bub" of the season. God bless and keep you dear Kami. Hugs. xx
