
Tuesday, February 18, 2014

Our Heart Day

We had a sweet Valentines Day together this year.  Actually, we sort of messed up the date and planned our dinner for the night before.  oops.  It was still very sweet and romantic!
 We decided to do a nice dinner at home...just the two of us.  We set up a small table and Patrick made some of my favorites.
 I love French bread that you can dip in Olive oil and Italian seasonings. It was soooo good!  And then he made me Linguini with a clam sauce.  Oh my it was so delicious!    It was such a nice meal and romantic evening for me and my sweetie!
 For the next day Patrick bought each of his babies a special treat.  The boys received ice cream.  Perfect guy treat!  All the girls received flowers.  Callie has been so excited about her rose and babies breath.  When she asked us what kind of flower the white ones were, we told her babies breath.  Her and Silas have laughed and laughed over that name!
 When Callie was given her first rose, she asked, "Am I getting married?"  How cute.  I love how my husband wants my girls to be his Valentine.  How blessed we are!


  1. Sounds like you had a lovely romantic meal with your sweetie and a nice Valentine's Day.

  2. Wow! That clam linguini sure looks good. Can I order some? BJ is not big on Italian without red sauce, so I don't usually make this kind of thing just for me. But I sure drool over it when I see it or when I order it at restaurants. Your hubby must be a great cook!
