
Friday, May 2, 2014

No Greater Joy

" I have no greater joy than to hear that my children walk in truth."
  3 John 1:4
 My sweet Silas Boone has been asking so many questions about heaven and hell and where he will spend eternity.  Like most young ones, he would ask questions, then get distracted and move on to other subjects such as what we're having for breakfast, or how cool it was that he knocked down all of Daddy's army guys.
Friday was a pretty exciting day.  Patrick was able to lead a young man to the Lord that had visited our church a couple of times. When Patrick brought him by the house to share his news, you could just hear the excitement.  We all rejoiced with him!  Well, when I got home Friday night after a fun night with my Mom and sisters, my Silas was still awake.

 As I tucked him in, he asked, "Momma, how old do I have to be to get saved?"  I said a quick prayer asking God to help me share just enough, but to not push.  This had to be his decision.  So, I shared the plan of salvation with him.  He asked some questions, he was really thinking about it!  Then, at the point where you could say, "Would you like to pray?"  I told him, "If you want to get saved, you need to go and talk to Daddy."  This is the approach that Patrick and I have always taken with our children.  It lets them make the next step so we are sure we are not pressing them.
 When I said that, he said, "I'll think about it."    I finished tucking him in, turned out the lights, and headed to bed.  I thought he was so close!  I had been so excited that this would be the night!  I shared with Patrick everything that happened and we knew the Lord was knocking on the door of our Silas's heart.
 About 10 minutes later as Patrick and I were getting ready for bed, Silas came in and said, "Daddy, I want to be saved!"  Patrick shared the greatest news with him....the message of salvation!
 Then, after asking many questions to be sure he understood, Silas wanted to pray.
 As I stood listening from the door, my tears started flowing....My boy accepted Christ as His Savior!!!
 To hear my husband lead our boy to the Lord and then to hear him pray is one of the greatest moments of my life!  There is no greater joy for sure!
After we were done he wanted to call and tell his Grandma, Grammy and Mam-maw.  That was sweet!  And since that night he's been sharing with many people that he's saved!  And then he says, "Me and Momma are going to heaven together!"
 Thank you Lord!!!


  1. Praise God!!! I was so excited when he called. Love phone calls like that. Praise God!!!
    I can't believe how much older he looks in these photos. I've got to get copies. :-)

  2. What a cause for rejoicing! Welcome to the family of God, Silas!!!

    The pictures are excellent. He's so handsome and sweet.

  3. Amen! Amen! Amen! I remember that day with my Seth. Such a joy! I cried tears of joy too.

  4. José van MerrebachMay 3, 2014 at 3:45 PM

    You don't know me but I follow your blog since a long time and I love it! I'm a Dutch sister in the Lord and I pray for you and your family. Sooooo happy to read that Silas has made the decision to ask Jesus in his heart and to be brought tears to my eyes..... Thank you Lord!!! Amen.

  5. What a precious boy and a precious post! Definitely the happiest day of a mother's life!!!
