
Tuesday, July 29, 2014

Finding the right combo

It has been almost 8 weeks since I received my first treatment to kill this crazy Lyme in my body.  I had heard and read much about the difficulty of treating long-term Lyme.  I knew the road ahead would be a little rough. But, I honestly hoped I would be so much better!

As I went to  my appointment a couple of weeks ago, I talked to my doctor about doing slightly better at the beginning of my treatment, but that improvement sort of leveled off.  She decided to switch up my secondary antibiotic.   This gave me a terrible reaction and after a quick trip to the ER to flush it out, I was switched again to another antibiotic.  A week later...still no improvement, so switched again.  That week was rough.  My symptoms increased. The pressure in my body was so much stronger and I was so tired.   I was experiencing something known as "herxing"  That is when the bacteria are dying off, and unfortunately you feel worse for a bit.  When I told my doctor how I was feeling,  she was actually encouraged to know that perhaps we have found the "right combo" of antibiotics.  This week I am somewhat better than the last, but still struggling at times.  What a roller coaster!!

Every other week the doctor orders bloodwork to make sure my liver and kidneys are functioning well on these strong antibiotics.  It's amazing!  The problems I was having with my red blood cells, white blood cells, and those crazy deficiencies that kept popping up, are now normal!  Wow!  Praise the Lord for that!

So, we're keeping on in this journey that has been set before us.  We're learning much along the way and the Lord keeps revealing himself strong to us.

Proverbs 18:10 The name of the LORD is a strong tower:  the righteous runneth into it, and is safe.

Thursday, July 24, 2014

Teaching Logan to shoot

 We had my sweet niece and nephew over for a visit.  My kiddos love their time with their cousins!  Patrick had been wanting to teach Logan how to shoot a BB gun, so this was the perfect opportunity!  First.....plenty of safety instructions.  Don't they all look so serious in this picture!!

 Then, it was time to take aim.  Josh set up some bulls-eyes for him to shoot at.

 Logan did a great job!  Way to go bud!!

Tuesday, July 15, 2014

To sleep well you must....

Have all your stuffed animals arranged just right!

Saturday, July 12, 2014

I LOVE being a Momma!

Sister coloring with baby brother, another sister practicing with older brother for a special in church, husband preparing seasonings to marinate the ribs for lunch tomorrow, and these 2 precious chocolaty faces...

I love being a Momma!

Wednesday, July 9, 2014

Refridge Remodel

I love how my sweet blessings are proud of their artwork!  They love to color, paint and draw.  I love when they come home from Sunday School with their crafty treasures in hand.  Then, they proudly display them on our fridge.  I love being a Momma!

But, I was approached by my (forgetful of what it was like) older three saying that the fridge is definitely getting out of control!  Every time they would open it, artwork would fall, the tape or magnets would come was a mess!  So, I needed to come up with a solution!  Don't you just love how Pinterest helps with that! :o) 

I bought a few older frames at the thrift store.  Then, picked out some fun paint colors for the frames and glued magnets to the back. I told Silas, Callie and Micah that we love to look at all their creations, but only one (for each of them) can be displayed on the fridge.  (We are coming up with another solution to display many creations!)  They had fun going through their artwork and picking their favorite one for now.  (subject to change which is quite often for my crafty Callie)

And ta da.....our finished fridge!
Love summertime projects!

Tuesday, July 8, 2014

Picked on again

Saturday afternoon brought some surprises for us.  I had noticed Friday night my PICC line site was bleeding.  I assumed I did too much  (culotte making marathon before my kiddos leave for camp!)  but then Saturday it was bleeding a little as well.  When Patrick tried to flush the line before treatment, the saline solution flooded all under my bandage.  Great.

I tried getting a hold of my doctor, but there was no answer, so it was off to the ER we went.  We brought books, water and a sweater....usually the wait is so so long!  But, this time we waited no more than 5 minutes!  Wow!  They put me in a room and made me put on a gown.  A gown?

Then, they brought in the PICC line team.  There was a bend in the line and a hole near the insertion site.  So, they had to pull the line.  The doctor and the "team" began trying to figure out how to help me.  Putting in a new line in the ER wasn't a standard thing to do. They didn't want me to miss any of my treatment times. They were going to do a temporary IV and have me see my doctor first thing Monday.  Then, the 2 "team" members were on the phone and calling their supervisors.  They managed to get approval to put a new line in for me!

They told me it would be much better to have it higher in my arm.  In the crook of your arm there is too much chance of breaking the line and it is so uncomfortable there.

They took a lot of precautions and took a while sterilizing everything.  Then, they even covered my entire body with a blue drape.  It did have a little clear window for me to look out.  How nice.  After an ultrasound to find the best place, they gave me a shot in my upper arm.  ouch.  Then, she started trying to find the right vein and thread through the wire.  It wasn't supposed to hurt at this point, but it really did.  It was a really strange vibrating pain.  They said I had a valve there that wouldn't let them pass.  So, they numbed me in another area close by and tried again.  No success.. Ouch again.  Then, they went a little further over on my right arm and tried again.  No success...double ouch!  They just couldn't get through.

To say I was a little nervous is an understatement.  I just kept repeating the verses and songs that the Lord has laid on my heart during this past year and a half.  I kept singing, "Like a River Glorious"  (Love that song!) and "There will be grace"  (another great song!)  Then, I kept quoting Isaiah 26:3 "Thou wilt keep him in perfect peace whose mind is stayed on thee: because he trusted in thee."  Sweet peace that only comes from Christ!  He's so good to me!

Then, they decided to try the left arm.  They were reluctant to go there because I just had the line removed from that arm.  After resterilizing everything and redraping, they numbed up my left arm and it went right in!  There was a slight problem when the wire wanted to go to my neck instead of my heart, but after a few tries, we were set!

I do like having my PICC line higher in my arm.  It's out of my way and I was able to sweep today!  I think that's a good thing?  Maybe. :o)

Sunday, July 6, 2014

Happy Birthday Brenna!

 Today my Brenna is 15!
 She has so many wonderful qualities and is such a blessing to our family!  She loves the Lord and has a heart for lost souls.  She's a great example to our little ones.  They love to play with their Brenn and you can often find Micah looking for her with a new idea of what to play.  She's always ready for a swim in the pool, or to chat over a cup of coke.
 But most often you will find her playing her piano (even now he's practicing!)  She loves to play and is doing incredibly!
 She's our fun-loving, easy-going girl.  In fact, while taking these pictures she asked if she should smile for all of them.  I told her we could do some serious ones if she wants.  This is what we got....

That's my girl!  Sure do love her!
Happy Birthday Brenna Shay!

LET FREEDOM (and firecrackers, food and fun!) RING

 We had a fun 4th of July!  We invited Patrick's Mom and brother over for some relaxing fun.
 Everyone (minus me and Marc) swam in the pool.  It was such a hot day, so it was perfect! I love all the laughter from the pool!

 What a sweetie my Silas is.  He called his Grammy before she came and said, "Will you please bring your swim clothes and go swimming with me?  You can even borrow my floaties!"

 2 brothers enjoying some relaxing time.  One manning the grill and one ready to eat! :o)

 Then, it was time for sparklers and fireworks!

It was a great day celebrating!

Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy 20th to my Sweetheart.

 20 years ago today, my sweetie and I said, "I do" and pledged to give our lives to one another.
 We were so very young and didn't know all of what our lives would hold.  But, I wouldn't have it any other way!  I married my best friend and the love of my life.  We've had some fun adventures!
 We had big plans back then....Patrick was entering his 2nd year in the Air Force.  He was working his way to be a Dentist.  We were going to start having children after 10 years of marriage when Patrick was a doctor and had finished medical school.  We were going to be making big bucks! ;o)  But, then the Lord got a hold of our plans.  He showed us what HE wanted for our lives.  We didn't exactly jump right in, but as the Lord revealed His will, he changed our hearts and our desires.  There's nothing like serving Jesus!
20 years ago we said our vows.

To have and to hold from this day forward
I'm thankful for a husband that loves me and shows me plenty of affection.  We even gross out our kids sometimes! ;o)
For better or for worse
Yes, we've had some not so great times, but we have had an abundance of blessings!
For richer, for poorer
We've yet to see the richer.  Ha!  But seriously, even though we've never had an abundance of cash, God always provides.  And we're learning that richness doesn't always mean your checkbook.  We are richly blessed!
In sickness and in health
When you get married you never really think that down the road your spouse could get ill.  You never really plan for yourself to be ill either.  My husband has proven that he meant "in sickness"  He takes care of me everyday (He's my infusion nurse!)  He cares for my health, and hurts for me when I do.  We will get back to our "in health" days, but for now I'm so blessed to have a husband that truly meant those words.
To love and to cherish,
From this day forward,
Until death do us part.

Thank you God for my husband and the days you've given us to give together.  I wake up knowing that this day is a treasure to cherish....with my sweetie by my side!