
Wednesday, July 2, 2014

Happy 20th to my Sweetheart.

 20 years ago today, my sweetie and I said, "I do" and pledged to give our lives to one another.
 We were so very young and didn't know all of what our lives would hold.  But, I wouldn't have it any other way!  I married my best friend and the love of my life.  We've had some fun adventures!
 We had big plans back then....Patrick was entering his 2nd year in the Air Force.  He was working his way to be a Dentist.  We were going to start having children after 10 years of marriage when Patrick was a doctor and had finished medical school.  We were going to be making big bucks! ;o)  But, then the Lord got a hold of our plans.  He showed us what HE wanted for our lives.  We didn't exactly jump right in, but as the Lord revealed His will, he changed our hearts and our desires.  There's nothing like serving Jesus!
20 years ago we said our vows.

To have and to hold from this day forward
I'm thankful for a husband that loves me and shows me plenty of affection.  We even gross out our kids sometimes! ;o)
For better or for worse
Yes, we've had some not so great times, but we have had an abundance of blessings!
For richer, for poorer
We've yet to see the richer.  Ha!  But seriously, even though we've never had an abundance of cash, God always provides.  And we're learning that richness doesn't always mean your checkbook.  We are richly blessed!
In sickness and in health
When you get married you never really think that down the road your spouse could get ill.  You never really plan for yourself to be ill either.  My husband has proven that he meant "in sickness"  He takes care of me everyday (He's my infusion nurse!)  He cares for my health, and hurts for me when I do.  We will get back to our "in health" days, but for now I'm so blessed to have a husband that truly meant those words.
To love and to cherish,
From this day forward,
Until death do us part.

Thank you God for my husband and the days you've given us to give together.  I wake up knowing that this day is a treasure to cherish....with my sweetie by my side!


  1. Happy 20th to a beautiful couple!!!
    Wow you have not changed in 20 years :).
    Your Josh looks just like his Dad!
    Doesn't marriage just get sweeter :)?
    I loved reading about your "plans" and how the Lord changed
    them. Just think of all those sweet blessings you would have
    missed if you had waited ten years to have kids.
    We are right behind you ... 19 years, 10 month, 2 weeks, and 6 days. Hope you have a wonderful day of celebrating!

  2. Yes you are so blessed!

    Happy 20th anniversary :-)
