
Friday, August 29, 2014

Early Turkey

We decided to have an early Thanksgiving dinner with our Josh before he heads off to college.  We invited the Grandparents and Uncle Marc.  It felt strange smelling a huge turkey baking throughout the day.  My brain feels like it should be in shopping/decorating mode for Christmas!
There was lots of food and everything was soooo yummy!

 I wanted to get a picture of Josh with his Grandparents.  Once Silas and Callie heard that, they wanted their picture with Josh, too!
 We're all trying to get in as many hugs as possible before Monday!

 Thanks for the Photo Bomb Marc! :o)

 A little bit of sister love.  I think he still thinks they have the cooties! Ha!

 Josh with my Mom (Grandma)

 Josh with Patrick's Mom (Grammy)

Josh with my Dad (Grandpa)

What a fun evening!  Loving every moment I get with my boy!!


  1. Love all the photos of Josh and different family members. The ones with his youngest siblings are especially sweet as they look like they will miss him so much (though I know EVERYONE will, especially mom and dad). I do love the idea of having early Thanksgiving and you have made me hungry now! LOL.

  2. The Thanksgiving meal was such a great idea. I love the special pictures you took. I'm praying for all of you as the time for Josh's departure draws near.

    We sure have been rejoicing and praising God for the improvement in your health, Kami. Blessings and hugs!!!
