
Thursday, August 7, 2014

Prayers much appreciated!

Last night, as we prepared for our super early outing the next morning to my doctor, we heard that dreaded of my kiddos throwing up in their bed.  Poor Callie and what a mess!  Then, shortly after Silas joined her.  O boy!  I felt bad for my babies, it sure was a long night!  With plans to leave the next morning before 6 and knowing one of us needed to be here with the little ones (and it couldn't be me!)  Patrick and I decided to take up Josh's offer to drive me to my appointment this morning.  I think the Lord was blessing me with some unexpected time with my soon-to-go-to-college boy.  

Things went well at my appointment.  I was able to see my doctor (for the past couple of weeks I had only seen the Nurse Practitioner).  She looked on my chart and saw that I had an incident with Vanco.  She said that this is very disappointing because she is finding more and more of her patients improving with it.  Then she asked if I would like to try it again WITH a couple extra precautions....I must take Benadryl before and after, take the IV meds twice a day, let it drip incredibly slow, and stop if there is ANY sign of a reaction.  So....I headed home with a cooler full of the scary, yet powerful, Vancomycin.

I would be so blessed if you could pray for me.  I want to take the medicine that will help me.  I want to get better! But, I am afraid of the horrible pain that came with taking this medicine last time.  I'm willing to try again, and Patrick has the IV bag all ready.  Thank you, my dear friends.  It is such a blessing to have you lift my name to the Lord!


  1. Oh, Kami! Praying for you and your sweet family! Hoping that it works this time and that your littles are on the mend. Yay for time with Josh, though!

  2. Definitely will pray for you dear Kami. I know how scary it must be to try and retake a medicine that has made you very sick int he past. But it sounds like your doctor is a thinker and that there may be a way around the problem. I pray so for your recovery. Hugs. xx

  3. I tried to edit my comment but couldn't see the edit button.

    I just wanted to say I'm sure that you and Josh will have a great time on your shared journey and that it is a blessing for you both to have some together time before he heads off to college. May your time together be very special. Hugs. xx

  4. How scary but praying it will go better and I understand the all too soon leaving son, glad you got this time.

  5. I'm uplifting you in prayer, Kami. I hope your little ones are feeling better. Hugs!!!

  6. I'm praying for ya'll too. We love you, Kami.
