
Monday, August 4, 2014

This and That and a little bit about our future... A post from Patrick

I thought I would put in a couple pictures of our daily life for you to enjoy...

With summer in full swing, the kids have been taking advantage of play time!  Micah and Silas are having some "football" time...although Micah seems to be taking it a bit seriously!

We had a rodeo tournament in full swing!  Beth was a wild horse as Callie tried to stay on!

Next was Silas...he did good but I think he held on too tight as you can tell from the next picture!

Summer will be over in just a short, few weeks.  We have already ordered Silas' K5 materials.  He will be starting school along with Beth and Brenna this year.  Kami has always taught the younger ones for kindergarten and that is her goal for this year...although I am wondering if her health will allow her to.  We are holding off on purchasing the girls' curriculum for now until we get a better picture of what our 'future' holds.

I have had the opportunity to fill-in teaching Sunday school and our kids are still working in the bus ministry, choir and Joshua has also filled-in teaching Sunday school classes.

We have an appointment to meet with our mission board on August 20th to discuss our future.  Kami is not much better, although there are times when she has more strength and energy than she did before.  We are awaiting another blood test which the doctor is ordering.  She feels that Kami may also have a parasitic infection called Babesia which can be found along with Lyme disease.  This would be the reason for the severe chest pressure/pain and difficulty breathing.

We have been traveling to Kami's doctor each week (3-hour trip one-way) since the beginning of June.  This week, the doctor may once again switch medications if she does not see some definite improvements.  This would be the 5th "switch".  The idea is to get the right combination of antibiotics that will work together against the Lyme bacteria.

The doctor informed us that Kami will be on IV antibiotics for at least another 5 weeks minimum.  If there is still no improvement, she will continue longer.  When the IV antibiotics have shown dramatic improvements, she will then be switched to oral antibiotics. 
 Please continue to pray with us about all of our decisions for our future that lay ahead in the next 2 weeks.  Either way, our lives will be dramatically affected...


  1. Praying for your family!
    A missionary friend in Hokkaido, Japan

  2. Praying for all of you and the various needs for health and future directions. x

  3. Praying, dear Kami....sorry to hear this.

  4. Praying for God's leading as you face so many decisions. Blessings and hugs!!!
