
Monday, September 15, 2014

A Coke with Josh

My sweet sister, Tay, thought I would really be missing my Josh about now.  She was right!  So, she dug and dug through the barrels of Coke and found one with Josh on it for me.  So....last night I had a Coke with Josh!  How cool!

Some have asked how my boy is doing.  Thanks for asking and praying for him!  He's doing fabulous!  The first few days we could hear some homesickness in his voice.  But, once classes started, he's loving it!  He loves his Professors and loves having Chapel everyday!  He's rubbing shoulders with some amazing Men of God and he's loving it!  He says they are very direct and not afraid to "step on your toes"  Just his style! ;o)

He's also loving being a part of the North Valley Baptist Church ministries. He sent us a text yesterday of the gym.  There were bunches of tents set up with chairs inside the tents....that's some extra Sunday School rooms!  How neat is that!  Josh is also working in the Junior High Sunday School, and Teen Church.  He has a heart for youth, so I am thankful he's able to have that place to minister.

Even though we miss our boy terribly (and are counting down the days until Christmas break)  we are so excited to hear what the Lord is doing in his life!

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