
Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Loving our book time!

Our second half of kindergarten is going great!  Silas loves it and Callie and Micah do, too!  One of our favorite times has to be our reading time.  We have started Laura Ingalls Wilder's "Little House in the Big Woods" We're reading some in it everyday and they eagerly anticipate every detail!  At first I was a little skeptical if this would be age appropriate for my active little ones.  It is such a descriptive book!  I do stop and explain some things and they patiently wait for the pages with pictures!  But, they love hearing about Laura and her adventures.  They think it's great that she lives in the woods, just like we do! I'm looking forward to reading the whole series with them!


  1. That sounds like a great book to read with the children. I absolutely believe in introducing the little ones to good books from an early age. It seems children just love books! Happy reading to you. xx

  2. Love these books! I started reading them to Abby about 6 months ago. I thought they might be a bit above her, she's 4, but she loves them. We just finished the 5th book.

  3. I always loved reading out loud to my kids! They loved it and still I loved it when I would catch them trying to read the next chapter on their own.
