
Thursday, January 22, 2015

Much to do, but it is so exciting!

Things are getting closer to the Opening Day of the church here in High Springs.  We found a building that is in a perfect location.  Many, many cars pass by each day.  The building will need a few updates to make it ready for church, but it has the room to have a great auditiorium, nursery and Sunday School room.  We've met with the Landlord and are proceeding with permits.

We're also working on websites, IRS numbers, brochures, tracts, legal aspects, insurance, supplies, is mind boggling!!  But, everything is coming together.  We praise God for calling us into the ministry and for calling us to this area.  We love it!  Have I mentioned that it's getting exciting? :o)


  1. I'm praying for ya'll as you start on this new journey God is leading you on.
    In Christ,
    ps. Please check out my blog: and follow it by email!
