
Thursday, January 1, 2015


Happy 2015!  I love the New Year!  I love new beginnings and fresh starts.  I love resolutions and goals.  But, I also love looking back and reflecting on the past year and see what God has done for me.

  At the beginning of 2014 we were still searching for answers for my illness.  We were unsure about why we didn't have a diagnosis and unsure about when we could return to the mission field.  Looking back now, I see God's hand guiding in so many ways.

He led us as:

We begged for a diagnosis.  After repeated answers of  "No, you must wait,"  In May we received a "Yes" from the Lord and I was told I had Lyme disease.

We began treatment and navigated through the many side effects and reactions.  We saw many great results, but also realized this is a disease I will be facing for most of my life.

We watched Josh graduate from High School (so many tears) and then helped him pack and then leave for college in California (so many more tears)  (seriously one of the hardest days of my life!)

We saw the door close for us on the foreign mission field.  And then saw another door open, and God leading us to be church planters in North-Central Florida.

His guiding hand is so precious.  I look back and see that at the beginning of 2014, the Lord could see the end of the year.  He could see it all come together.  He's so good!

Now, it's on to 2015!

1 comment:

  1. Dear Kami, may the good Lord continue to guide and care for you as you walk this sickness journey and truly know that He is able to keep you. You and your husband have done a good work and will continue to do a good work through God's direction. While you've been doing that you've also raised a wonderful family. You have truly been blessed and my wish for you in 2015 is the continued and abundant blessings of our Heavenly Father. Big hugs. xx
