
Tuesday, March 24, 2015

Grand Opening Day!

 The Grand Opening of Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church went very well!

 We had some family and friends come to help us celebrate (and prepare and work!) for the day.  It was such a blessing!!  We had fun watching as cars pulled in and seeing visitors come.
We had 20 from the community to come!  Praise the Lord!  And the greatest news is that one man accepted Christ as his Savior!  Praise God!

We're so excited to see God work and so blessed to be in the ministry.  Now, it's off to prepare for next Sunday!


  1. Hi, Kami! What a joy to see this post! :) I'm so thankful for the example your family has always been to my life and now as you continue on in the plans the Lord has set before you...what an encouragement and blessing!
    I noticed Josh in the pictures...I haven't had much time online this year, so maybe I missed something, but is he back from Golden State? Soooo good to see you ALL :) God bless you, my dear friend!

  2. Hi Jaynee!!! Thank you for the encouragement! You are always so encouraging with your sweet emails and comments. You must have missed the post I did on Josh. Here's a link to it.
    It was a hard decision for him, but he knew the Lord was leading him to stay with us and help with the new church plant. Looking back we know that the Lord knew the right way for him! Josh LOVED Golden State! But, it is wonderful to have him here. His work has been invaluable! Love you my friend!!

  3. Wonderful post! Praise the Lord for helpers and for people from the community who came. It must surely have been cxiting especially to have the young man give his heart to the Lord.

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