
Wednesday, March 4, 2015

The Work Continues!

 Not too long ago we had a call from one of our supporting Pastors who happens to also be a Contractor.  He wanted to know if he could bring a few guys up to help us work on the church for a few days!  Wow!  Of course we said yes!!
 It was such a blessing to have Bro. Boehms and 4 men come and work for a few days.  They took the first little bit and did some planning.  Patrick said it was just what we needed, to have a Contractor come that has a Pastor's mind.  They reworked the plan and decided to extend our nursery wall to make my Sunday School room in the first building.  It works!

 It was a joy for me and the girls to provide the dinner each night.  It was exciting as we set up the tables and then had services together....first meal and preaching in the church!

 The fellowship among the men was so sweet.  There was lots of joking and laughter and Patrick and Josh loved every minute of it!

 On the right is the baby nursery and on the left is the Sunday School room.  They also put on doors, put up the drywall, and put in walls in the second building (the garage area).
It was definitely a productive 3 days!  What a blessing to have men come and give up their time and work to do service for the Lord!  God is working and we're so glad to be in the midst to see it happening!

1 comment:

  1. How wonderful to have all that help. Many hands make light work. What a blessing!
