
Saturday, April 25, 2015

Another round of sweet visitors

We were so excited when my Mom called and said they were able to come by for a super duper quick visit.  I was so glad!

 She brought my sweet Mam-maw.  She was heading back to Michigan in a couple of days, so I was so glad I was able to spend a little more time with her before she goes back north.

 Of course, my Mom herself :o)

 She also brought my Mother-in-Law, Denise!  Also know as Grammy :o) (Nice photo bomb Mom!)

 And she brought Brenna's friend Catie!  Catie waited in the car while we hugged everyone when they got out.  Mam-maw asked Brenna to get her bag from the car and when she opened the door Catie said, "HI!"  Brenna was so thrilled! It was a wonderful surprise!  I'm glad these two friends were able to spend a little more time together!

 Even though it was a less than 24 hour visit, we fit in lots of talking, laughing and visiting....

 a few games,

 some playdough fun,

And sitting out on the porch while it rained outside.  I sure do love my family and I'm so thankful for every visit from them!


  1. Yay for visitors! Living away from family sure does make even 24 hours visits so special! On a side note, Silas looks so grown up in the last picture!!

  2. What a wonderful surprise for you all!

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