
Wednesday, April 8, 2015

What's new on our little farm

Much has happened on our "Family Farm"  this month!  It's exciting to watch our work pay off!
 Our chicks are growing and getting their feathers.  When they started roosting on the side of the rubbermaid, we  knew it was time for them to get a better home.

 Patrick and Josh built a really neat mini-coop for them.  They love it!  It's going to be about 5 more weeks before they can move in with the "big girls"

 My roses are blooming.   I am in shock.  I am horrible with plants, but this one is doing well!

 Patrick's blackberry bushes are making a second chance sprout.  We're hoping they will produce well so we can make some pie and jam!

 Several weeks ago we had a large area tilled and Patrick began planting.  I think we're planning on feeding an army or something!

 Even in our sandy dirt, vegetables are sprouting and growing!

 We have a baby acorn squash growing!

 Our banana peppers are blooming!

 Our tomato plants have beautiful flowers!

 Our strawberry plants are healthy and growing!

 Our beans are getting taller!

 Even my hydrangeas are growing!

Surprisingly, that' not all that's growing....

Even our family is growing!

Are you shocked?  Yes, we are too.  Extremely!!  But, we are so blessed!  Much prayers would be appreciated as we approach this pregnancy with a little more thought towards my health.  The Lord is good all the time!


  1. Wow!!!!!How exciting!!!! I had other comments (like you have veggies growing and it snowing here) but then I saw the pregnancy test and that was just too exciting!!!! Congratulations!!! Praying for you and little one :).

    1. I saw pictures from your neck of the woods and saw all the snow! Oh my!
      Thank you for sharing our excitement about our new blessing!

  2. Such a cute way to announce too :).

  3. Now you know I would be Excited!! That is Not even the word!!! WOOHOO!!'m praying for you! Sometimes the pregnancy hormones can work in a good way! You never know, it just might help with all the other stuff. Looks like things are going and growing well up bad I'm so old..rofl. Very Happy for you! Another one for the crazy man to play and get wild with. Keep us posted. How you feeling? Are you getting morning sickness? Yuck. I pray not. Sleep when your little ones nap. That will help a lot! Talk to you soon!! SO VERY INCREDIBLY EXCITED!!!!!

    1. Keri, Keri, Keri...have you been praying again? :o)

  4. Super excited for you and can't wait to see "who" the tie-breaker will be.... boy or girl.... to bring the Gimenez total to more girls or boys. :-) Fun! Fun! Congratulations, Kami!!!

  5. That was some exciting news. Congratulations!!!!!
