
Friday, May 29, 2015

Summer Fun at the Library!

 We are so excited about this summer's library programs!  We went to the first one last Saturday.  A teacher was there with a fun presentation about butterflies.  My kiddos loved it!

 She had puppets and fun stuff to learn.  Callie helped her measure the caterpillar.
 At the end, they released 2 butterflies into the garden.  This is going to be a great summer!

Thursday, May 28, 2015

Memorial Day at VSIBC

We had a great Memorial Day service at Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church!
The girls, Cynthia, and I changed up the decorations with a more patriotic theme.  We love how it turned out!

We made some fun flag crafts in Sunday School.  It sure is a joy having my Silas and Callie in class.  I love hearing them answer questions and remember the Bible story they have learned.  They also love craft time!!

Brenna prepared a sweet craft for the nursery guys, too.  They loved it!

To start off the main service, Patrick had Silas bring in the American Flag for us to say the pledge.  We had the flag in the Sunday School room and Silas knew the signal words for the time to get the flag.  He went to the SS room and got the flag, then tried his hardest to  get back in the main auditorium smoothly.  We heard a clunk.  And then another clunk.  That stubborn door frame kept getting in the way! :o)
My sweet hubby...I sure am proud of him!

Brenna played a beautiful offeratory piece.

Then, as Brenna quietly played "My Country Tis of Thee"  Patrick asked that if anyone had a loved one that served in the military that has now passed, and would like to honor them with a flag, they may come forward.  One by one, many came forward and said the name of their loved one and the branch of service they served in. Then, they received a flag to put in a flower pot in remembrance of that dear loved one.  It was a very sweet time with some tears, and lots of thankfulness.  I was proud to be able to go forward and mention my Grandpa that served in the Army.   I sure do miss him.

Many flags in honor of those that willingly served for our freedom!

It was truly a wonderful day!

Saturday, May 23, 2015

Honey Bees?

It was a few months ago that my Patrick started talking about getting some honey bees.  He knew they would be great for our garden and as an allergy sufferer, he knew the honey would be very beneficial.  I liked his reasoning, but bees?  Oh, no thank you.  I was not interested! 

But, everywhere I turned, I was confronted with the ideas of having our own honey bee hive.  

 The bee club member at a community yard sale.
Then, there was an article on facebook.
A book featured at the library.
A flyer I ran across.
Everywhere I turned!
  I figured the Lord may be giving my sweet husband the desire of his heart.  So, I began to pray..."Lord, I don't want bees!  But, if you want this to happen, please help me be brave!"

Then, one of our ladies from church said she was going to a bee club meeting.  My curiosity was definitely getting the best of me and I decided to go with her.  I had a great time!  I met about 45 people from young children, to older men and women that all have bee hives and love their hobby!  It was very interesting.
When we met a man that gives bee classes to families.  I decided we would give it a try.

It was so informative and so hands on.  After learning many things and practicing on a "dummy" hive, it was time to try out the real thing.  My sweet man was the bravest, so he went first.

 There were many bees in the hive, probably around 20,000 bees.  After being Pine smoked, he was ready!  He did great!  We were able to see the Queen and her drones and workers. Pretty neat!

 Josh and Beth even pet some of the bees!
 Then, it was my turn.  It was so strange because I was nervous, but I really wanted to do this.  I was pretty fascinated.  So, I carefully lifted the box as instructed.
 There were many bees buzzing around.
 And I actually did it!  Wow!  I'm still shocked!

 Then, it was time to taste the fresh honey.  Now, our little ones (and big ones, too) were hooked! looks like we have a new addition coming to our little farm.  Our hive arrives Monday!

Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mother's Day at VSIBC

 We had a great service at Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church for Mother's Day!!  Brenna started the night before and set up a fun craft for our little ones.

 It turned out so sweet and the Mommies loved it!

 The Sebasts with Rock of Ages Prison Ministry is one of the missionaries we support.  We were so excited they could be with us!  Bro. Glen did a great job preaching and our people were so happy to meet the family they had been praying for!

 We had 29 in attendance with 9 mothers there.  The spirit was so sweet.  We sure are enjoying the place God has called us to!

Wednesday, May 20, 2015

The Way to a Girl's Heart?

 Flowers, of course!!

 We have been admiring the beautiful wild flowers growing on the sides of the road here in North Central Florida.
 We all love them, but especially my Callie.  She was beyond happy when her Daddy brought her home a huge bouquet of them!

Saturday, May 16, 2015

Summer Work

 Summer is just about here and we are finding some more work needing to be done to our property. Everything has turned so green and is growing beautifully!  We have so many trees, which I love, but it makes the grass not want to grow.  So, we've decided to cut down some trees and make our yard a little more what we want it to be.

 Can you see my hard working man in there? :o)

After the tree comes down, there's fun for the little ones!  What an adventure!

 And then comes the work of sawing, chopping, clearing, stacking.....Summer fun!