
Thursday, May 21, 2015

Mother's Day at VSIBC

 We had a great service at Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church for Mother's Day!!  Brenna started the night before and set up a fun craft for our little ones.

 It turned out so sweet and the Mommies loved it!

 The Sebasts with Rock of Ages Prison Ministry is one of the missionaries we support.  We were so excited they could be with us!  Bro. Glen did a great job preaching and our people were so happy to meet the family they had been praying for!

 We had 29 in attendance with 9 mothers there.  The spirit was so sweet.  We sure are enjoying the place God has called us to!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like a wonderful day and service at your new home church. I love the photo of your family. Blessings. xx
