
Monday, May 4, 2015

Doing what needs to be done.

What a joy it has been since the day of opening of Victory Springs Independent Baptist Church!
The Lord is truly working and blessing!  Praise God!
We have hit the ground running with things in full swing.  It is such a blessing to work in the ministry as a family and it truly has been a group effort.  Sunday mornings can be quite crazy with the girls and I switching places between Sunday Schools, Nursery, piano playing and singing.  Our first Ladies meeting was great with 9 ladies in attendance!  We enjoyed tea and cupcakes together and it was a great time of fellowship!

Then, we had a fun BBQ at our home with lots of hamburgers, hot dogs, and great fellowship.  The people of North Central Florida are so precious and have been such a blessing to us!  We love the people God has called us to serve.

 Amidst all of this, we still must find time to eat, bathe, sleep...the basic necessities!  We are still learning how to be "The Pastor and his family"  but we are loving this journey!

As writing down my to-do's for the week and month, I was overwhelmed at how much I need to get accomplished.  Or should I say want.  Between planning special music, Sunday School lessons, Ladies meeting, homeschooling, being a Momma and Wife...I began to realize that I just don't have enough hours in my day.  (especially if my crazy Lyme wants to be crazy)

Then, I read the devotion for today from the book, "31 Days for Women" by Dr. and Mrs. Jim Brown.  I had given this booklet to all the ladies of our church and they are enjoying it so much!  Today's lesson was "Worketh Willingly:  Work, Priorities, and Organization"  What a blessing it was to me!  She said, "Realize that, with God's help, you can do what you need to do!"

It was such a comforting thought to me!  I can accomplish today what the Lord wants me to have done!  My focus needs to stay right and continually ask, "Is this what is most important right now?"

I sat down and wrote out my priorities.  What an eye opener it is to do that!

I listed the roles that God has given me: Wife, Momma, Home, Ministry.  I also had a section labeled ME and wrote the things I need to remember to take care of myself physically and spiritually.  As I listed I asked the Lord, "Is there anything that just shouldn't be here?"  If He wants it on the list, then He will provide the time for me to do it.  (As long as I'm not wasting the precious time He's given me!)

I talked it over with my family and we came up with some ideas of things that could come off of my list and go onto some else's.  For instance, the girls now each have a night a week for making meals.  Brenna is now the "Specials Coordinator"  and schedules who is going to sing. Joshua said that during college he did all his own laundry and didn't mind it at he now will be doing all his own laundry.  We (or should I say my husband) also determined that when I simply don't feel good, I rest.  Period.   I'm wanting to have more time for quilty fun, and getting back to our Family Fun Nights....and that will all come with proper planning and the right timing.  But, for now, we are enjoying this busy time in our lives and working together serving the Lord.  There's no place I'd rather be!
My prayer is for the Lord to help me redeem the precious time He has given me.  And also to cherish the moment.

So dear Momma that may be reading this, and that just may be like me and feel overwhelmed with not quite enough time in your day....stop.  Cherish each precious moment God has given you.  Redeem the time, don't waste it.  And ask, "Is this the most important thing I need to be doing right now?"  Life sure is precious, isn't it?


  1. Amen! Praise God and may He bless you and your family and redeem the time you need as you continue in His service. xx
