
Friday, June 26, 2015

Trust with the Money, Honey!

"The heart of her husband doth safely trust in her"  Proverbs 31:11

Off to the bank we went and opened a checking account for both of my older girls.  They were excited and giggled as they had to think of security words for their accounts....I don't think anybody would be creative enough to guess what they picked! :o)  They sure do make me smile!

My Dear Girls,

Trust.  It's so important between a husband and a wife.  One of the many ways that your husband needs to trust you in, is with the finances God has blessed you with.  Be diligent to do your part and be a true "Help" in this area.

  Whether you keep up with the check register on paper or on the computer, be diligent to jot down each transaction.  Don't save it for later hoping that you'll remember because it's easy to forget.  Am I talking from experience? :o)  

Remember that God when God blesses you financially (and that means any amount) that you need to be a faithful steward.  Ask yourself, "Is this really how God wants me to spend this money?"  After all, it truly is His.  Be a good steward and be conscious to be pleasing to the Lord in this area of your life.  When you do, your husband's heart will trust you with the finances God has blessed you with.

With Much Love,


  1. "Trust", such a very important part of any relationship & especially in the area of finances. A good lesson. Blessings xx

  2. "Trust", such a very important part of any relationship & especially in the area of finances. A good lesson. Blessings xx
