
Monday, August 24, 2015

Back to School Ladies Meeting

 We enjoyed our Kindred Hearts Ladies Fellowship meeting last week and my girls and I had so much fun planning and preparing!  We decided to go with the theme, "Back to School!"

 Since we've switched some thing up in the back of the church, we realized the only place to set up tables and have room was in the front.  It worked out great!  We took down the chairs, then set up tables with name tags and pencils for each person's "desk."  Then, we were so excited to find LOTS of classroom supplies at Dollar Tree.  We were able to decorate for the meeting for under $10!
We started off with some fun school games.  There was some good competition for the Spelling Bee and the Math Competition.

 Then, it was time for our lunch.  Beth and Brenna were Lunch Lady #1 and Lunch Lady #2, complete with hairnets and gloves!

 Of course our food was served on trays.

 Then, we played pictionary on chalkboards.  We have some creative ladies!

After the games we had a devotion using 2 Timothy 2:15, "Study to shew thyself approved unto God."  We took apart the verse and answered Who, Why, When, Where, What and How.  We focused on the How and talked about different ways we can study God's Word.

We had a great time!  I am truly enjoying our ladies fellowships and getting to know some dear ladies.  We are so blessed!

 I am so blessed to have my Elisabeth and Brenna by my side.  They love planning with me and helping me shop and set up.  What great memories we are making together!

1 comment:

  1. That looks like lots of fun Kami. YOur girls are so precious and make great lunch ladies! God bless. xx
