
Monday, August 3, 2015

Blessed by her summer project!

At the end of the school year I decided to encourage my Beth to start learning couponing. I had a sweet friend come over and explain some of the tips of doing well with it.  Beth was quite interested! I told her that this could be her summer project.  We gave her $100 a month to start with instructions that she could buy anything that she feels is a good deal and could be used in our home.
She has taken off with it and has been such a blessing!  We've increased her monthly budget because she has saved us so much already!  She has quite a stash going.  At the end of the month sometimes the pantry is a little bare and we are coming up with creative ideas for the last meal of the month.  Well, last month was different....our pantry was pretty full!
Here are a few things she's found helpful for her couponing adventures:

~Have a box that you won't mind carrying in the store with you.  Beth's box was found at Office Max and has cute little file dividers in it.  She keeps all her cut coupons in there and has it ready at a moment.

~She has a separate mini folder she brings into the store with all the coupons she knows she will for sure be using that day.

~When cutting coupons it's easier to group all the papers together (like the Red Plum or Smart Source) and cut them all at once.  She buys 2-4 papers and cuts them all with a quick snip.  It really doesn't take too long.

~There are many ways to save.  But, the mostly used are: Sales at the store, Manufacture Coupons, and Store Coupons.  Beth's goal is to only buy when at least two of those ways to save can be used on one item.  She loves it when she can do all 3!  Last week Sharpie Markers were on sale at Publix.  She also had a Publix coupon for them and a manufacturer coupon....she saved big!

~She's finding her best deals at Publix, Winn Dixie and CVS.
Thankful for my girl and her sweet spirit to learn something that will help her in the future as she "prepares herself for him!"

a day in the life of a missionary wife

I'm linking up with the Modest Mom Blog today!


  1. That is SO awesome, Beth!!! You are doing such a great & important job! God wants us to be good stewards of what He has given to us. You have learned skills that are helping your parents in the ministry there. And, this can benefit you for the rest of your life! Why pay big bucks for grocery items when that money can be used for so much more important things?!? Keep up the good work!! :)

  2. Good for you - and good for Beth!! Assuming you are mostly buying name brand items with coupons...have you tried the app ibotta? It's a free app that gives you rebates, and it doesn't take long to unlock the rebates (you usually have to answer a quick question or watch a short commercial for a product). They work with different retailers and CVS is one of them. You upload your receipts and they credit you the savings and you can cash out once you get $5, I believe. It's very low hassle and it works great! We use it less simply because we shop at Aldi a lot and it won't work with them. :(

  3. This is very neat to see! I'm newly married (one year in August) and couponing has been SUCH a blessing to my husband. He loves seeing me stretch a dollar and be a wise steward of the money God has trusted us with. Please let your daughter know that this skill is so, so important for her future! Many blessings as you continue to bring glory to Christ!

  4. Man, what an awesome summer project for her to be working on! It's a good skill to have when you grow up!

  5. Wonderful! I love it when people are wise stewards of what God has entrusted. Hugs. xx
