
Tuesday, October 6, 2015

Family Fun Night...Finally!

It has been a long time (too long) since we've had our regular family fun night.  We were looking through old pictures and came across several memories from our past FFN's and decided, we've got to start doing this again!
So, we did some planning and decided to do a FFN with a Fall focus! Loving this time of year!!

Brenna found a really neat craft on pinterest to make some decorative pumpkins using canning lids.  We decided to give it a try!  First we painted the rings a cutesy orange color.

Then, we strung them together with embroidery floss.

After much trial and error, and then finally getting Patrick to help us tie all the pumpkins together, they turned out so cute! It was a fun craft to do together!

Then, it was on to the rest of the house to decorate for Fall, my favorite season!  It was so fun to have Silas, Callie, and Micah want to participate and pick fun places to put our decorations.

Even in some of the strangest spot.  But hey, the fish tank needs some fall looks too, right ?!

I am loving my fireplace mantle!  So much fun to change it up with fun decorations!  Do you see our pumpkins?

Then, we finished up our night with some Pumpkin Snickerdoodles.  So yummy!  And such a great night with my dear family!

1 comment:

  1. Those pumpkins turned out great and it was so nice you were able to make them as part of family fun night! I was wondering how you would making a pumpkin out of the lids.Now Snickerdoodles is something I've not yet had the pleasure of eating but they look mighty good.
