
Sunday, October 18, 2015

This Boy of Mine

 This boy of mine sure has captured my heart!  He wanted to learn to write the letter M for Micah.  He had so much fun working on it and was so proud of his creation!

 All of my children have enjoyed this little chalkboard we created.  We had this lovely/weird/screams-mobile-home square in our school room that gives access to the air conditioner.  I found some chalkboard paper that has a sticky backing at Hobby Lobby for $4.99.  Pair it with my 40% off coupon, and I had a deal!!!  It works so good for practicing letters, math problems and writing cute messages.
 Now Micah wants to learn how to write a 3 because he is 3.  He wants to put M3 on everything!  He even said that for Christmas he wants a new Bible that's big sized with M3 engraved on it.

 He LOVES to play outside, get dirty, run everywhere, and find treasures.  (treasures = worms, sticks, ants)  He's growing so quickly, but I love that in this picture he still has little boy hands.  So precious!
And his dimple sure does get me every time.  Love this boy of mine!

1 comment:

  1. So precious! I love his enthusiasm for playing/living, writing. His smiles are very infectious :-)
