
Thursday, November 5, 2015

Momma, Can you make a spot for me?

It had been a busy day (there are many of those lately!)  Dinner was done, dishes were finished, we were starting to end our day.  Before I began putting my little ones to bed, I sat down for a little break on the love seat.  After a deep breath, I felt a little guys presence next to me, "Momma, can you make a spot for me?"  I looked at this growing up 3 year old, chocolate milk in one hand, tattered white blanket in the other.  How could I refuse?

I scooted over and enjoyed some moments simply enjoying my baby boy's presence.  I smelled his hair.  Rubbed his still-baby-soft arm.  I sat there in awe of the joy to be his Momma. I just enjoyed "making a spot" for him.

And then I felt the Holy Spirit ask, "What about me?  Have you made a spot for me lately?"  Have I? Have I tried lately to count the innumerable attributes of the one who loves me more than anyone else?  Have I just enjoyed His presence?  Have I just sat there in awe of being a child of God?  Have I made a spot for Him lately?

Psalm 119:161  "My heart standeth in awe"


  1. I think when you are taking care of your little ones and making a spot for them on the couch that you are doing it unto the least of these. The Lord knows and understands!

    1. So true! I was exactly where I needed to be making a "spot" for my baby! I just want to make sure I have that same awe with the Lord and enjoying His presence!

  2. Amen to your post and the comment above. xx

  3. This post was such a blessing to my morning, Kami. I love how you make spiritual applications from the little things that happen in your life as a mother. It helps me keep things in perspective. Love you and praying, my friend.
