
Thursday, December 24, 2015

A Christmas Quilt

 As the gifts pile up under the tree throughout December, our family likes to look through them, shake them and guess what they hold.  We did this last weekend when the weather had dropped into the 30s.  Patrick lit our fireplace and we all gathered in front to look at our gifts.  After all had been passed out, Beth said, "Oh look, here's another one!"  Then, smiled sweetly and gave it to me.  She had a suspicious smile on her face.  She said that Grandma (my sweet Mom) had given her instructions to give it to me on a night when it was chilly and we were in front of the fireplace.

I opened up a beautiful Christmas quilt, handmade by my Mother.  Isn't it beautiful!!

  Thank you Mom!  How beautiful it is!  You are so talented!  I love you!!

1 comment:

  1. It is beautiful. It amazes me how some people can whip up such a creation in good time. What a difference from St. Barts to now bundle up under the blankets in front of a roaring fire. Merry Christmas to you and your family.
