
Tuesday, December 1, 2015

Revival of Thanksgiving

 I have more wonderful blessings to share of how the Lord is working at VSIBC!  We've been planning our Revival of Thanksgiving for many months now, and we were all so excited!
We started off with Josh, Beth and Brenna singing, "God's Been Good."  I love that song!

 Then, we ate!  The ladies of VSIBC are good cooks, that's for sure!  We had so much delicious, thanksgiving food!

 It can be a little tricky having a church banquet in a converted motorcycle shop!  It makes us ready for a church building with a kitchen!  Wouldn't that be wonderful!  But, for now, we are learning how to make it work.

 I love how the Lord is bringing precious families to our church!  We love these little ones!

 Then, our family sang, "I just want to thank you Lord."  How blessed we sure are!  It was great to sing all together!

 My little ones sure were excited to be able to sing, too!  We'll be doing this again!

 We had Dr. and Mrs. Kindhart to come and sing and preach for us.  They have been such a blessing and our people sure do love them!

We had 50 at our banquet.  50 precious friends.  We sure do have much to be thankful for!

1 comment:

  1. Wonderful, wonderful! The Lord has sure been good and brought so many to the new Church. It's great to see everyone at what looks like a marvellous Thanksgiving dinner. Your family members have all done a magnificent job too. God bless.
