
Monday, January 25, 2016

A Place to Pray

In the early Fall of 2015 my prayer life was a struggle.  Yes, I was still having the quantity of prayer time as the month before.  But, something was different.  Instead of having sweet fellowship with the Lord and enjoying His presence, my prayer time became a time for me to complain to God, tell Him how to fix things, and walk away feeling the weight of every burden.  As I prayed and brought up all the negative to the Lord, I left my prayer time feeling overloaded, full of the cares of this world, and quite defeated.  It's not how God wanted me to start my day!  When I realized this was happening, I knew it was time for an overhaul of this time I so desperately needed.  I began searching the Bible for people who prayed.  I began reading good books by prayer warriors.  I jotted down ideas and began to change.  I'm so thankful!!

As I've implemented some changes in my prayer life, I've enjoyed my time with Him again.  Even though I still bring to Him my burdens and cares, I am trying my best to "leave it there" and let Him handle it for me.  He does a much better job anyway!  

One of the things I decided to do was to have a specific place for my morning prayer time.  Of course, I still pray in other spots throughout the day, too.  But, for my morning devotions I decided to have a specific place.  I've had many spots through the years, the kitchen table, my closet, my bed with my nightstand close by, the chair in the living room, the front porch....many wonderful places to commune with my Savior!  But, for here, I realized that the desk I use for school would be my perfect prayer corner!  So, I began transforming it into the place that I would be for my devotions. 
I used some square corkboard to hang verses and quotes on prayer.  What an encouragement these are!  I also hung pictures of my family and I love to look at their faces while I pray for them.  I also have my red basket (I'll post more on that soon.), a small lamp for the perfect light in the early hours that I pray, and I have a drawer to put my Bible, journal, pens, stationary...lots of goodies.  (Now that I think of it, I think I should add a chocolate bar to top it off!)

I praise the Lord for showing me that I needed to fix some things in my prayer life. I'm so thankful that He knew I needed better!  My time with Him is so special and needful!

How about you?  Do you have a specific place to pray? I would love to hear about it!  Whatever the place, make sure your time with the Lord happens.


  1. The Shower!! I I cover my entire family in prayer while I'm in there. Our parents, brothers and sisters! There are 13 brothers and sisters in Kevin's and my families!! I pray for my kids and husband sometimes when I'm taking my walk or when I'm in the living room or study!

    1. Ha! I love it Keri! Although it's my place to sing! :o) One of Joshua's Professor's at college prays while he takes his morning walk. That's getting 2 things accomplished at once! Love you my friend!

    2. Love you too friend! I forgot to mention that I thought that little area ..desk and adorable!

  2. Right now I am torn each morning between staying in bed for my devotions and being truly alone with the Lord or moving to the recliner and risk waking my kids. Now that I think about it, I could move to my desk in the school room, and probably no one would think to look for me there in the early morning hours! I might have to try that. Thanks for the idea, Kami.

    1. I know what you mean Jessi! If they wake up, then they are ready to start their day! I tried the idea of having devotions in my bed with everything on my nightstand, but my sheets and blanket are just too comfy! :o)

  3. Thank you for this post! I'm from one of your supporting churches in Illinois, and would love to send you an email {it's sort of a comment about this post, but definitely way too long for a comment}. Haha! Do you have an email address I would be able to reach you at?

    Thank you so much - Katie

    1. Hi Katie! Which church do you go to? Are you covered in snow at the moment? We would love to see a bunch, but were super excited when we had flurries last Saturday! There was a lot of excitement around here! :o) I would love for you to email me! My address is:

    2. I go to Park Meadows Baptist Church. And right now we're visiting family in Minnesota, so we definitely have lots of snow!! :) But a friend told me that we got about 4 inches of snow back home!

      And thank you for the email address. You'll be hearing from me soon. :)

    3. And btw, I really do love this idea!! Especially the verses and quotes on the corkboard. I guess it's time to head to Hobby Lobby. :)

  4. I usually sit on my sofa corner where I also have an ottoman and pens nearby. I keep my Bible and journalling books nearby in a rolling cart. It isn't a perfect situation but it is the one I can find for now as other places are too cold and drafty or don't have comfortable seating.

    1. This isn't my only place to pray of course. I pray on walks too and throughout the day doing the things I do :-)
