
Wednesday, January 6, 2016

Happy 7th Birthday to my Silas Boone!

 Today my Silas turned 7!  It seems like just yesterday that we were announcing the birth of our second son!
 What a fun, sincere, tender-hearted kiddo we have!  I love to spend one on one time with my little guy.  He's always full of wonderful conversation.  I honestly think I could listen to him talk for hours.  and if there weren't so many distractions, he probably would!

 He's doing so well in 1st grade!  He is quickly learning to read.  His new favorite thing to do is write Bible verses.  He also made a commitment to hand out 2 gospel tracts every week this year.  I love to take him to the store and watch him boldly walk up to a stranger and say, "Could I give you a gospel tract from my church?"
 He has a great imagination and loves to play legos, army guys and any sport.  He loves football, just like his Daddy and can recognize any NFL team just by their logo.

 He loves to play outside, explore and his rock collection is growing!

 I know that one day God will make a faithful, Godly man out of my little boy.  He has such a  sweet spirit and compassion for others.  I'm so thankful to be able to be called his Momma!

 Happy Birthday Silas Boone!

1 comment:

  1. Such a sweet tribute to your little man. Happy Birthday Silas! ♥
