
Sunday, January 17, 2016


A New Year has arrived a few weeks ago.    I love looking back on all the blessings from the previous year.  I also love to look ahead and plan out the upcoming year.  Many goals are swirling around in my head.  Many thoughts of all that lies ahead.

There will be some new things happening this year.

~ My Beth will graduate and turn 18.  We will be planning a grand Homeschool Graduation for her.  It's going to be loads of fun and we have been enjoying the planning stages!
~ This will be our first full year in the pastorate here at VSIBC.  We have many events already on the calendar and many scheduled Preachers and Missionaries.  Our church has adopted the theme "Let's Go Fishing" for the year and it's exciting to see the excitement and burden to reach lost souls spread through the precious people of VSIBC.
~I will be seeing a New Lyme Literate Doctor next month. It is time for some fresh eyes to look over my medical needs.  My family continue to help me through the days when I am not well.  My church family has also helped to ease the load.   I'm so blessed by their willingness to help and love on me!
~ I am ready to begin again in my quilting adventures.  I haven't really sewn in so long, I'm ready to get back into it! And....if you follow me on Pinterest, there are many new things I've pinned that I want to do! :o)

So, many New things are to come.   I sure am loving this life God is letting me live!

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