
Saturday, February 6, 2016

Raisin' 'em right!

 I think my Louisiana and Mississippi friends will appreciate this post.  Not too long ago we had a crawfish boil.  We love to do this!  And everytime we do, we ask, "Why don't we do this more often?"

 Each and every one of my kiddos loves the food.  Brenna really likes it when we throw some mussels in, but this time we opted for clams. (They were my favorite!)

 While eating, we joked with the kids that real Louisianans suck the heads.  None of us ever do this.  Callie was very interested.  She tried it.

 Thought about it....
 And tried it some more.  She loved it!  I think her French-Canadian side is coming out as French-Cajun!

So yummy!  And the cleanup is easy!  Just throw it all away!


  1. This looks like fun and looks tasty too. I've always been interested in the cajun culture. It must be the French blood in me ;=)

  2. So fun! I was scared to death to eat those bugs at first and vowed I'd never marry a man from Louisiana. Well, God thought differently, and now I love the food, crawfish and all!

    It is interesting that your family and ours trace their roots back to the same place. After our marriage, I traced BJ's family history back to the Cormier who left Nova Scotia. I couldn't get farther back than him, but he was the one who moved to LA. It was a neat hobby for me on deputation.

  3. Oh Gross!!...LOL..Teaching them to eat bugs may be the only thing you are doing wrong!! xxxooo
