
Monday, March 21, 2016

She Graduated!

 It's official!  My baby girl has graduated from High School!

 So proud of my Beth.  What a diligent child she is!  She has worked so hard!

She has some ideas about what her future may hold and the things she believes the Lord would have her pursue.  For now, she will stay home with us, keep working and serving at VSIBC, keep learning and growing, and see what the Lord's will holds for her!

I'll post next of her Graduation Ceremony!  What a blessing it was!


  1. Congratulations, Beth! Your pictures are beautiful. I must say I liked that next to last one of you ducking from Josh's kiss. Ha Ha! Keep loving the Lord and walking with Him, and He will direct your path.

  2. Congratulations! The photo series is wonderful. I'm sure your daughter will follow the Lord's plans for her life step by step. Blessings ♥
