
Friday, April 15, 2016

Micah's Day

 Birthdays are so fun around here!  We let the birthday kid pick the food, the fun and everything in between.  Surprisingly, Micah planned a pretty laid back day!

First, we started with opening presents.  He loved everything!!  He told us several months ago that he wanted a big boy Bible. He decided to stop carrying his little one, and he began to carry Beth's old one.  We knew the perfect gift for him would be a Bible with his name on it.  He is so excited!  He's been wanting me to read devotions from his Bible, now!

 For his cake he wanted a strawberry shortcake.  But, he had one stipulation....we had to make it together.  It was so fun!  We started with making the yummy shortbread.  These kiddos love to bake!

 Then, he helped me make the yummy cream.  Whisking is his favorite part!

 His day also had lots of playtime and a hike in the woods.

 Sure do love this kid and the joy he brings!
  Happy Birthday Micah!

1 comment:

  1. Micah is my kinda guy. I love bibles and I love strawberry shortcake! Yummy. Happy Birthday once again to the birthday boy.xx
