
Wednesday, April 13, 2016

My Micah is 4

 Oh boy!  My baby boy is 4 years old!  It seems I was just trying to fit him on his quilt and getting him to lie still for his monthly pictures of his first year.  Now, I have a very energetic, fun loving 4 year old!
 I love how this little boy has stolen many hearts already!  Ask any of our ladies at church (usually 40 and up :o) )  They have all fallen in love with his dimple and sweet smile!
He's a charmer!
 He loves to play and his favorite place to be is outside.  This kid can get dirty!  Thankfully, he still loves his bathtime and by the night of his birthday he was swimming in the tub with his new "duck flippers."
He can be quite contemplative and begins a lot of his sentences with, "Well...."  But imagine it as a drawn out, southern "Weeeeeelllll..."  So adorable!

Lately, my Micah Roo has been asking many questions about what it means to be saved.  He has a fear of hell.  He knows he wants to go to heaven.  He's starting to understand he needs a Savior, but he's not quite ready yet.  He's asking lots of questions and the Lord is working on his heart.  Such an exciting time!  I'm praying everyday for my boy to accept Christ as soon as he understands.  It's the most important decision any could ever make!

Loving this little guy!  And so thankful to be his Momma!

1 comment:

  1. What a sweet and precious boy! Happy Birthday to dear Michah!
