
Tuesday, April 5, 2016

Something to Savour!

Josh came home last week and told me about an amazing dish that a lady had brought in to work,  Twice Baked Potato Salad.  He said it was some of the best potato salads he had ever put in his mouth! It was creamy, cheesy, bacon-y....what more could you want? :o)

He decided to ask the lady for the recipe.  She said there really isn't a recipe, you just add a "little of this" and a "little of that."  He made this dish sound so amazing, that I decided last night I would attempt it.  I prepared and added my "little of this" and "little of that."

We all sat down to eat and after everyone tried the potato salad, their eyes lit up and it was as if the hallelujah chorus of YUM was being sung at our table.  Everyone loved it!

We each had seconds (I think Callie had thirds!)  We had a visitor drop by and we gave him a bowl of it to take home.  For snack that night Josh had some more.  Beth wants me to add it to our recipe folder.  I'm telling you, it was that good!

This morning I read in Matthew 16:23 words that Jesus spoke to Peter,
"thou art an offense unto me:  for thou savourest not the things that be of God, but those that be of men."

My mind went back to the night before and how we all savoured the new dish on our table.
-We took time to enjoy it
-We shared it with others
-We wanted more

Just like we enjoyed this super yummy dish on our table, I want to be savouring the things that God has for me today! His Precious Word.  His Promises. His New Mercies Every Morning.  The Blessings He Has Given Me.

 Am I savouring those things?  Am I sharing them?  Do I want more?

  Or am I savouring things of this world that don't really bring lasting joy and contentment?

 Oh how I need to savour the things of Christ!  This Momma here needs His joy and contentment!  I need to hear my loving heavenly Father's voice to guide me through my day. I want to savour the things of Him!

And for those of you wanting the recipe....I'll share it on here soon! :o)

1 comment:

  1. Oh, His new mercies every morning are wonderful! My mom has a friend who whenever she asks "What's new in your life?" my mom always replies, "Well, God's mercies are new every morning!" :)

    And I'm looking forward to this recipe! Twice Baked Potatoes are one of my very most favorite things to eat, so this sounds amazing!!
