
Saturday, May 7, 2016

My 6 year old girl

 My sweet baby girl, Callie Grace turned 6!

 This sweet girl is so full of joy and love.  She is a pleasure to be around.

She loves to help in the kitchen and has gotten really good at cracking eggs!  Her eyes light up every time she keeps the yolk whole!  I love the sparkle in her eye when that happens.  A few morning ago she had six in a row! :o)

 She is doing so well in K-5 and is almost completed with her first year of schooling. She is reading very well and did a great job reading her own birthday cards this year.

She is growing up as a young lady and also growing in Christ.  I love her sweet heart and I'm so thankful for my girl!


  1. Aw, what a sweet post for a sweet girl. Her sweetness comes through in all your photos and your words. Happy Birthday to your darling girl. xx
