
Tuesday, May 31, 2016


My Silas needed to have his eyes checked.  I prepared for all the things that would happen for a routine eye exam.  He really didn't remember having it done a couple of years ago, so he listened intently.  He was also quite excited that we were turning this into a Mommy/Son date with lunch afterwards.

As they checked us in, I reminded him of the "puff" of air that they would probably do first.  As they put his chin in the proper spot, I stepped a few feet from him, but not far.  The first "puff" caught him off guard. I could tell he was about to panic as he put his cute little chin on the holder, ready for the next "puff."  I encouraged him with, "You're doing good, Silas, one more and this part is over."

 Trying to keep real still and keep his head in place, but starting to get too nervous, I saw his right arm reach out to the side as he began searching for me with his arm.  I stepped closer so that he could hold onto my arm.  Then, he was real still, the puff went in to the left eye, and he looked up at me with a huge smile that said, "Thanks, Mom!"

It was sweet to see that just knowing I was there was the comfort that he needed.  I was there.

As we got back in the car and I thought about how well my little guy did and how it was sweet that he still needed me to be there, my mind recalled the devotions I had been having that week.  God had been pointing out to me some truths to dwell on, that reminded me a lot of my Silas at the eye doctor.

"Thou God seest me"  Genesis 16:13
"For I know [her]" Genesis 18:19
"Is anything too hard for the Lord?" Genesis 18:14

Just as my Silas needed to know I was there and with him, I, too, need to know that my God is there, He sees me!  He knows me!  And just His presence can calm my heart.  Sometimes the circumstances stay the same. My little guy still had to stand there and get that "puff" of air in his eye.  But, having the presence of the Lord to get me through whatever may come my way, is a priceless gift from the Lord.   It gives me a confidence in Him to say, "There is nothing too hard for God!"

1 comment:

  1. Beautiful post, Kami. It sure is true how much we need the Lord right by our side. xx
