
Friday, June 17, 2016


"I haven't had a flare in 3-4 weeks!" 

 That was the exciting news I was able to tell my doctor on Wednesday!  I was so happy to tell her and to let her know of my progress.

She was quite happy with me, but then expressed her concern about more nodules forming on my hands, as well as the new ones found in my lungs on my latest CT. The one I had removed on my let hand two years ago is also starting to make a come back. She also doesn't like that my chest pressure is exactly the same as it has been for almost 3 years-no change there.  She believes the pressure could very well be from a granulomous process happening there, as well as in my hands.

She truly believes the last round of parasitic type medication helped me to start improve.  Then, she said the dreaded words, "I think we need to try another round of a slightly different drug."  I was getting ready to open my mouth and say, "No.  I'm seeing improvement.  Let's leave this alone and accept it."  But, I caught a glimpse of my faithful, ever enduring husband by my side nodding along with my doctor.  The two of them are not ready to give up.  They are still striving for complete healing.

So, a little reluctantly, I will be starting a new medication this Monday.  It will last for 5 days.  Normally I don't have the greatest response to powerful meds, so prayers would be much appreciated.

Hopefully, I'll soon be able to say, "I feel absolutely wonderful!"  But, until then, God is still every faithful.  He reminds me over and over that He is with me.  Soooo many blessings surround me and encourage me.  So many more than I deserve. I'm thankful for this past month of feeling so great!  God is good!


  1. I'm grateful that they haven't run out of things to try to help you get better dear Kami. I'm sure your husband feels the same. Prayers and big hugs. xx

  2. I just read some great testimonies of how Plexus has helped people with Lyme's disease. Not sure if you have ever heard of it? Prayers are with you.
