
Wednesday, July 6, 2016

Happy 20th Josh!

 Last week my first born, Joshua Patrick, turned 20!  Wow!  What a fine young man he has become.  He really makes me and Patrick proud.

He's enjoying his management position at ACE Hardware in our town.  He manages the repair shop and is learning so much!  He's also taking a small engine repair course and is working hard towards completing that.

His heart is still geared towards ministry and serving the Lord in the way He would have him to.  He's a great, enthusiastic song leader for VSIBC.  He also does so well with the children at church and has an exciting Junior Church.  It's great hearing the singing of all the children.  They love it when they are dismissed for Junior Church time!

Josh is also continuing his correspondence studies for a Ministry Degree. We're also excited seeing God using him when he preaches.  Patrick usually gives him a Sunday Night a month to preach and Wow, his messages are powerful!!

Here is one of his recent quotes, 
"The world won't believe your words that you 'love God' unless your testimony shows it."
So convicting!

So thankful for my boy and the man that he is becoming!

1 comment:

  1. It's beautiful what God is doing in your son's life and I'm sure you must be so proud and happy over his heart for the Lord. Happy birthday to him and may God continue to bless and guide him in every way. xx
