
Thursday, August 4, 2016

A Joyous Day!

For those of you that know my Josh, know that about 2 years ago, he met a very special young lady. As a Momma, it has been a joy to watch them talk, learn more about each other, enter a courtship, and wait for God's perfect timing.
 My Josh has been praying for the right time to ask Tabitha Fisher to be his wife.  Oh my! Did I just type that?  My little boy?  Yes, I sure did.  He's grown into a fine young man, and Patrick and I are so proud of him!

So, Josh came to us a few weeks ago and said that he believes it's time to ask.  How exciting!  He worked up the nerve to call Tabitha's Dad.  Josh has a great relationship with the whole  Fisher family, but it is funny that once it's time for the guy to ask the gets nerve wracking!

As Josh stepped outside to make the phone call, Patrick and I got down on our knees and prayed.  We prayed for God's will, timing and direction.  Josh came back in a bit later.  He was smiling with his cute dimpley smile and said, "He said I can ask her!"  He was so excited.  We were too!

So, my boy came up with a completely romantic idea.  He worked on it night and day. (seriously) He told us he wanted the Fishers to be there, as well as Patrick and I, Beth and Brenna.  It was so honoring that he wanted us all to share this very special day.

We were given our orders to arrive early to Tabitha's church (the place they met and will be married) He wanted us to set up 5 tables.  The first four tables had memorabilia from each stage in their relationship...getting to know each other, writing long distance, courtship...
 The last table was to have one red rose on top.
 We followed our instructions and referred to the pictures he saved on our phone to make sure it was all prepared exact.  :o)
 It was hot, and we were quite sweaty, but we got everything done in time.  Then, we got a text saying they were on their way.  We went to our spot in the distance so we could watch.  We were so excited and nervous!

 Brenna took the pictures, so she was the one on the lookout.  I know they had arrived when she said, "Awwww, they look so cute!" Josh had Tabitha wait at a certain spot while he turned on the music.

 Then, he took her hand (A sight we had never seen)  and led her to each table.  It was so sweet.

 As they made their way to the final table, tears began to form.  I kept thinking, there truly is no greater joy than to see your children walk in truth.  I knew my Josh was excited and nervous and sooo happy.  This Momma's heart was so happy for him.

 She said yes!

 As they stood and held hands and looked into each others eyes, and laughed....we all patiently waited! :o)  It was an honor to be there.  I later asked Josh, what were you saying?  He said, "I just kept telling her that I loved her."  The two of them had been waiting until engagement to say those precious words....I have a feeling they will be making up for lost time!  We are thankful for the stand of purity the two of them have taken in this relationship as they seek to honor the Lord.

 So, who is Tabitha Fisher?  She is the young lady we have been praying for, even before she was born.  She is the one that God made for my son, Joshua.  We are so thankful!  Tabitha is a very sweet girl that loves the Lord and desires to serve Him with her life.  She has a heart for souls, loves children (just like my Josh!), and loves my Josh!  From the very beginning Josh told us, "There is just something different about this girl."  And it's true.  If you meet Tabitha, you will see God's love radiating from her life.  What a blessing to have her join hearts with our Joshua!  Truly a match made in heaven!
God is so good!!


  1. How beautiful! That is a memorable and romantic proposal indeed. The young couple looks very good together and more importantly, the joy and love in their hearts and the Master of their lives, means they are starting off on a great footing for their lifelong adventure. Congratulations to them both and to all the family members. I'm sure you and Patrick are very proud and happy!

  2. Wow! What a beautiful engagement. I had tears choking my throat the whole way down that post. So sweet how God has brought them together.

  3. This is so sweet! My husband and u also waited to say "I love you" until we were engaged. People often think of setting physical boundaries, but for us that was an emotional boundary we wanted in place as well - and it made sharing those words for the first time at our moment of engagement that much more special! Many blessings to your Josh and his sweet lady as they move towards the marriage alter!

  4. Please express our heartfelt congratulations to Josh! My husband talked to Josh on the phone a few weeks ago, and Josh let him know that this day (though he didn't indicate when) was approaching. The Sloans are so excited for him, for Tabitha, and for your family!

    1. I did, Jolene! Thank you!! It is an exciting time!

  5. I love this. There really is nothing more rewarding than seeing your children walk in truth. Seeing them marry right is sugh a blessing from God. We are so happy and at ease knowing she will have such a good guy! We love him and could never have picked someone better. God sure is good! -Dee

    1. Aww, Dee...we will be family soon! We sure are blessed from the Lord!!
