
Tuesday, August 30, 2016

Vacation/Staycation Part Two

 The week of our Vacation/Staycation brought much playtime!  We played many games together.  Silas has been loving his Football game.  He sets up all the pieces and has a good football match!

 My girls and I have been enjoying a bunch of Settlers of Catan.  I have a new stragedy I've been trying out.  I've got to figure out something to help me win!!  I haven't been so successful so far!!

We recently had some limerock delivered.  Before it could be spread the kiddos loved bringing out their trucks to make roads through the dirt.  Lots of sandy dirt = lots of bathtime!

We also put together a huge puzzle.  This has been a huge relaxing treat for my preacher man.  He needed an activity to just do and not think.  Ha!  This worked perfectly.  I think we need to put one of these together more often!

We've also all enjoyed a little quiet time to ourselves.  I've been reading "It's a Wonderful Life" by Terrie Chappell.  So much good stuff in this book! (I'll do a review soon!)

What a great time on our week to relax.  There's more to come!

1 comment:

  1. That book is *so* good! Can't wait for the review! I'll wait to share my favorite part about the book until then, so as not to spoil it. :) Lol.
