
Tuesday, September 6, 2016

Staycation/Vacation Part 4

Our week at home for the "staycation" portion of our vacation was so fun.  But, then it came time for us to get out of town for a bit.  As soon as Josh came home from work, we hit the road!

Love our family time!!

We booked a hotel in the town of Palatka, Florida.  The kids were so excited to be in a hotel!

The hotel was on the beautiful St. Johns river.  Such a pretty area!

My Sweet 6!!

Then, it was off to dinner.  Our little ones were so excited to eat at a "real restaurant."  Ha!  We had been telling the kids about Corky Bells and how good it was.  They were excited to try it.

There was so much food!

Micah: Momma, I don't like this green stuff on my plate.
Me:  You're not supposed to eat it, it's just decoration.
Micah (with a horrified look on his face):  They put a decoration on my plate!!!??!!

Then, we decided to go letterboxing off of Main Street.  We have loved doing this over the years and have made so many good memories!

We found it!

The blind mosquitos were so bad.  They don't bite.  They just fly around and drive you crazy.  I tried to get a good pic of the kids, but they were swarmed!!

Since the mosquitos were so bad, we had the pool to ourselves.  Just call us brave! :o)
We finished the evening with Crazy Uno and ice cream.  What fun!

1 comment:

  1. I've been following your stay cation and your time away. Good for you. All of you look like you are having a blast and it is so wonderful to spend this precious time together before Josh is married and starting a family of his own. God bless all of you. xx
