
Tuesday, October 11, 2016

"Let's Go Fishing" Missions Conference

 Mission's Conference is one of our favorite times of the year!  We were so excited as it drew closer.  VSIBC has had the theme of "Let's Go Fishing" for the year of 2016 to remind us to be looking for chances to witness.  We knew it would be a great theme for the Mission's Conference as well!

We decided to do a Saturday night International Dessert Fellowship to kickoff the conference.  We asked the members to bring desserts from other countries.  The instructions were to have the dish labeled with the country it was from and to make sure it was cut into small servings.  We wanted everyone to be able to sample as much as they could.

 As the conference drew closer and the sign up sheet filled up, I noticed some familiar handwriting at the bottom.  My Silas signed up to bring Boston Cream Donuts from Boston!  Well....I think we need to work on our geography and talk more about countries. ;o)  But, that will be for another time.  For now, we praised him for his creativeness and wanting to bring something!

Yummy Boston Cream Donuts....from Boston. ;o)

 My girls and I had fun decorating for the conference!

 We found many cute ideas on Pinterest.  When we saw these bobbers, we knew we had to try and make them!

 Our ladies made so many yummy desserts!  It was a feast, for sure!

 We were thankful to have Dr. Arlo Elam there to present Florida Baptist College.  He has been such a wealth of information and help to us as church planters!

 We were thankful to have Dr. Scott Caudill be the speaker for our Mission's Conference.  Our church loves to hear him sing and he always brings a stirring message that gets ahold of our hearts!  What a blessing!

 He preached a message on Sunday night called Grace in a Barrel.  How it spoke to so many hearts!  God's grace is without measure and always right on time!!

So thankful for VSIBC and the hearts our people have to reach the world.  We are excited to say that our Faith Promise Missions Giving for the church was increased!  Praise God!  We may be a small, new church, but the people have a Big heart!

1 comment:

  1. I LOVE missions conferences. They are always so inspiring and motivating. The food spread looks absolutely delicious and the story about Silas was so cute.
