
Tuesday, October 18, 2016

"Momma, will you come to my store?"

 My Silas had been working hard at the "treehouse." (I know it's not a treehouse, that's just what they call it!) When his project was finally done, he asked if I would like to come to his store.

Silas, Callie and Micah had worked hard to have a good stock for their store.  They scoured our yard and had plenty of things for sale like pine needles (Patrick has claimed those), pinecones (maybe a craft item?), some neat weathered wood, and lots of fun odds and ends.
I liked these pieces of wood they had found.  Unfortunately, I didn't bring my money with me.  It was a quarter for the little piece.  I asked him if I could pay tomorrow, but take the wood today so I could start on my project.  His answer?  Nope.  I had to pay before pick up.  Little stinker!  He also wasn't too flexible on the price either!

 So, I ran back inside, got some quarters, and purchased my wood.  I'm ready for a cool project now!  I'll post soon!

 Then, this bench/shelf caught my eye.  What could I do with it? (still trying to figure that out).  But, I decided to buy it as well.  I asked him if he would deliver it to my house.  Nope on that, too.  But, he was willing to let his employee (Micah) deliver it for me.

Service with a smile!
We are loving the slightly cooler temps and being outside!

1 comment:

  1. Ha, ha, so cute! I love the entrepreneurial spirit of the boys and look forward to seeing what you create with your purchases.
