
Saturday, November 5, 2016

Shower Time

We are enjoying all of the festivities and preparations leading up to the wedding of our son, Joshua, to his bride, Tabitha.  What proud parents we are! 

 When Tabitha and Joshua registered, they picked out a lot of things from Pioneer Woman in the Flea Market line.  It is so adorable!  I love all the colors and patterns! Patrick has encouraged me to find time and energy to start quilting again.  So, when I saw the cute things they registered for, I knew a scrappy cuddle quilt would be just the thing to make for them!

I found reds, yellows and aquas to put in this quilt.


 It was fun to start sewing again, especially for Joshua and Tabitha.  Our lives have been so busy with many things, wonderful things, that it's nice to take a moment and just create.
I had fun wrapping the quilt and putting on this label, "Those who cuddle under a quilt are covered by Love."
Since I am a picture taking type of gal, I also decided to make a photobook for Tabitha with many of the pictures from their courtship and engagement.  Then, I added in quotes that she has posted on Pinterest.  It was sweet to see it come together and to see their joy.  

Definitely a season of change for us.  But, we sure are enjoying it!

1 comment:

  1. It's a beautiful, gift that will become a family keepsake. You are quick with quilt making and I'm glad you found the time and energy to do so. Hugs. xx
