
Thursday, December 22, 2016

The Ladies of VSIBC

How blessed we have been at VSIBC.  The people that God has sent our way are truly precious.  Every single one.
My girls and I have loved planning events and activies for our church.  One of our favorite times is when we have our Kindred Hearts Ladies Fellowships.  We enjoyed planning and hosting the fellowship for Christmas.  I love having those that are special to me to come to my home and share memories with.

We decided to do a soup fellowship with a hot cocoa bar for dessert.  Many yummy soups were brought with cheesy bread to go with it.  As the Pastor's wife, I felt it was my duty to try each and every one!  Lovin' that duty!! :o) 

 We played a silly Christmas sock game, had a devotion, and decorated mugs together.

It was such a fun evening!  I sure do love the ladies of VSIBC!!

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like great fun! It's always wonderful to get together with like-minded people like those in the house of God and share fellowship and laughter. Merry Christmas to all of you. xx
