
Monday, January 9, 2017

Happy 8th Birthday Silas Boone!

 Friday morning, which also happens to be wedding day, was also my sweet Silas's 8th birthday!
 It's amazing to see how much he's grown and changed from his last birthday to this one.

 My Silas is turning out to love the same things as his older brother and Daddy.  He loves football!  For a 7 year old, he sure does know a lot about the sport!  He's enjoying watching games and learning the rules.  But, his favorite is when we all play family flag football together.
 He is definitely my sensitive child and is always concerned about the needs of others.  His favorite day is Sunday and he loves to ride the church van and see which of his friends are able to make it to church.

He still loves his "date time" with his Momma, which I love.  He just talks and talks and enjoys one on one time.  He also has started reading bunches.  His favorites are biographies.  He just finished Daniel Boone and now he's started on Davey Crockett. He still has an amazing imagination.  I love to watch him play!

So thankful for this sweet boy.  Happy Birthday Silas!