
Thursday, January 19, 2017

My Grandma's China Cabinet

 When we came off the foreign mission field and started our medical furlough, our church let us live in their mission's house.  It was huge!  It was bright and open! was empty.  I remember wondering how we would be able to just have the basics since all of our belongings were still overseas.  It still amazes me thinking how God provided for every need.  every. single. one.

He even gave me the desires of my heart, and let me make this temporary home a haven for our family as I sought medical care.  I remember my Dad calling and asking if I would like to use my Grandma's China Cabinet.  Hearing of something that was my Grandma's and knowing I could enjoy it for the time we were there, I said "Yes!"

I knew I didn't have any china to fill that cabinet, let alone dishes for everyday for the kitchen.  The next day, a dear lady from church called and said, "I have a set of china I don't need anymore.  Would your like them?"  Oh Wow!  Yes! I felt like it was the Lord calling and saying, "Kami, I love you.  I'm with you.  Get ready to be blessed!!"

 So, the missions house filled up with beautiful things offered to me by God's willing people.  My temporary home that was completely bare, was one of the most comfortable and inviting homes I had ever been in.  I knew it was from the Lord.

Well, if you've been reading my blog, you know that we stayed in the mission's house for a year.  It was there I was diagnosed with Lyme and began treatments.  It was there that we realized our dream of living on the foreign mission field had come to a close and God had a bigger plan.  As we realized He called us into church planting, my Dad told me I could keep Grandma's cabinet.  I love it!

It took up a beautiful spot in our new home in North Central Florida.

Then, last month, I got the itch to change it up a bit.  The cabinet is still beautiful, but the orange-y wood was starting to wear on me just a bit.  I did some research and consulted with my crafty sister, and decided to chalk paint the cabinet using this recipe for Plaster of Paris DIY chalk paint.  Then, I ordered some cabinet handles from Amazon. (They were quite large and had to be ordered.)

 I LOVE how it turned out!  It still says, "Grandma" but yet, has a little Kami-ness in it as well! ;o)
And I found some cutesy china at our local thrift store for $5 that is ME for sure!

 I love the shabby look of the distressed furniture.  That was a fun project!  I'm already looking for the next one!

1 comment:

  1. I love this story of God's provision. It's just awesome. So glad you now have your grandma's cabinet too and that's you've been able to make it just your own. I see something that looks like red willow design on plates. I'm not sure if that's what you call it but it reminds me of blue willow china. It's lovely. xx
